
CMД-18 Water pump introduces anti-freezing measures for water pumps in winter!

In winter, in order to avoid water freezing, volume expansion, freezing and cracking of pumps and pipelines, causing unnecessary losses, we need to take some anti-freezing measures to protect the pump equipment, especially the pump equipment installed outdoors. Follow the editor of CMД-18 Water pump for a simple understanding!
1. The pump body and pipeline are wrapped with insulation materials, cotton wool, cloth, etc., and can also be coated with antifreeze paint.
2. Choose heat preservation type antifreeze water pump or choose stainless steel antifreeze material, add steam or hot water to the heat preservation layer to freeze the water pump.

3. For pumps that have been out of service for a long time, empty the liquid in the pump body and refill it when in use.
4. Remember to add antifreeze to the diesel engine pump set.
5. If the water pump or pipeline freezes, do not start or crank, use hot water or steam to thaw. The thawing of cast iron water pumps and pipelines should be carried out slowly, and heating in a sealed state is forbidden to prevent explosion. The pipeline is thawed, the horizontal pipe goes from low to high, and the vertical pipe goes from top to bottom.
In summary, the editor of CMД-18 Water pump introduces: You can learn more about the anti-freezing measures of water pumps in winter.